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Get-together between journalists and naval soldiers

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnam navy coordinated with over 150 press agencies and received about 1,200 journalists who wrote over 28,000 stories about naval activities last year. 
Get-together between journalists and naval soldiers - ảnh 1
VOV Vice President Pham Manh Hung speaks at the get-together. (Photo: VOV)

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong, Political Commissar of the Navy, told a meeting on Thursday that the Navy organized 14 working trips for 2,300 delegates to visit Truong Sa, DK1 platform, and Southwest islands. It received donations worth 8 million USD for gifts for Truong Sa islanders.

Pham Manh Hung, Vice President of VOV, told the meeting: “The Navy has worked closely and effectively with the Voice of Vietnam to update information. The more we proactively inform people, especially in the cyberspace, the better we can manage information, especially information about the military. We hope that the Navy will continue to work closely with the media.”

Representatives from media agencies proposed that the Navy organize a press award to honor individuals and collectives for excellent communications about the Vietnam navy.

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