Ly Hoa, coastal village rich in culture and history

(VOVworld) Crossing Ngang Pass and entering Quang Binh province, tourists are surprised by picturesque views of the coastal village of Ly Hoa. Like a miniature of Vietnam, the village possesses both sea and mountains and is famed for its rich culture and history.


Ly Hoa, coastal village rich in culture and history - ảnh 1
                                         Ly Hoa village's festival

Ly Hoa village is surrounded by mountains and sea, giving it strategic importance. In the country’s history of combating invaders, Ly Hoa has witnessed many historic battles. The village’s sea gate, formerly called Dai Ly, in the 14th century under the reign of King Tran Du Tong, saw a battle between the Vietnamese navy and Siam invaders, according to Nguyen Duy Hung, who works for local authorities: "The village has witnessed many upheavals during its 300 years of existence. The local people have always boasted fine traditions of fishing and supporting each other against natural calamities and invaders. Quick-minded and eager to learn, Ly Hoa villagers are striving for a better life."

The village still retains many historical relics including the attractive communal house, which was built in 1737 to worship the village’s Genies and the ancestors of 12 clans granted royal certificates for their contributions to local development. Among them, the Nguyen Duy clan is probably the most famous. According to historical records, in the reign of King Minh Mang during the 18th and early 19th century, the Nguyen Duy clan held 5 Doctorates, second to no other clan in the country’s feudal period. A village elder Pham Gia Thuong says: "Our village was the birth place of many scholars and high-ranking officials in the royal court. We are doing our best to uphold and develop the fine traditions set by our predecessors."
During the war against the Americans, Ly Hoa was severely damaged by the US air force, as it lies on a very important route for transporting supplies from the north to the southern front. The local people voluntarily destroyed their houses to make way for vehicles. Since peace was restored, Ly Hoa has becomes an exciting fishing and trading hub. Ly Hoa people, no matter where they live and work, all turn their hearts and minds to their homeland with great pride. Nguyen Cam Son was born in Ly Hoa. He told us: "I grew up on this land and love it very much. With a long tradition of surviving difficulties, I believe my hometown will strongly develop in the future."

To Tuan
