New rural development changes Sin Cheng commune, Lao Cai province

(VOV) – The mountainous commune of Sin Cheng in Lao Cai province has changed since the National Target Program on New Rural Development was implemented there. Efforts by local officials and citizens have made Sin Cheng outstanding among the villages which have successfully built new rural areas in Lao Cai.

New rural development changes Sin Cheng commune, Lao Cai province  - ảnh 1
Sín Chéng has changed thanks to new rural development. (Photo:

Two years ago roads leading to Mao Seo Phin commune were rough, rocky, unpaved trails. In the rainy season, motorbikes couldn’t navigate the many slippery sections. When Mao Seo Phin people needed to go into town to shop, they had to walk for hours. But that has changed now. The main road to the commune has been expanded to reach every household gate. Now all nine hamlets of Sin Cheng have access roads. The commune’s head Giang A Trang told us ‘All households in the commune including my family have donated land to build road. The government has subsidized 40%. Roads now lead to every hamlet. Though they are still too small for cars, motorbikes can easily go there making the transportation of goods more convenient. We’re proud that our hamlet was named an outstanding hamlet.

The new rural development program has also helped local people obtain loans for poverty reduction.

Ma A Nao, a Mong ethnic person in Ban Kha hamlet, Sin Cheng commune, says that within the radius of two hamlets, his family is the only one to have a rice milling machine, so he’s busy around the clock. Nao says that with a 480 USD  loan from the Bank for Social Policies of Si Ma Cai district to buy a buffalo, he has expanded his production by raising fish, purchasing more cattle, doing milling, and collecting the agricultural products of his peers. His family now has a spacious house and better living conditions. Ma A Nao shared his thoughts with us ‘During the new rural development process, Sin Cheng people have received a lot of attention from the Party and Government. I got a business loans from the Bank for Social Policies. We’re glad to have escaped from poverty and to be living in more comfort. Although we’re Mong ethnic people, my family always takes the lead in production and business contributing to building new rural areas. Our hamlet now has roads, an irrigation canal, and safe water for daily activities.

By 2015 Sin Cheng will have completed all 19 criteria to become a new rural area. Ly Xuan Thanh, Secretary of the Sin Cheng Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee, says many criteria should be adjusted according to character of each locality and region. Thanh said ‘I find that it’s difficult to complete a number of criteria involving the irrigation system, cultural houses, and per capita income, as they don’t match the practical situation of a remote, mountainous commune like ours which specializes in farming. And the commune’s poverty rate remains high, so contributions by locals to build new rural areas are limited. But we have called on people and businesses to get involved and we believe changing people’s awareness about the program is the key to its success.’

Huyen Trang

