New rural development in Ninh Thuan province

(VOVworld) –Ninh Thuan province has focused investment in building rural access roads, pumping stations, and stone canal embankments to serve agricultural production. The province has also mobilized various economic sectors to invest in the construction of markets, schools, and communal houses. Jasi, a VOV correspondent in Ho Chi Minh City, examines Ninh Thuan’s new rural development program.

Following the motto ‘Government and people working together’, many areas in Ninh Thuan province have repaired and paved inter-village roads to help expand local production. Last year alone, the province spent nearly 96,000 USD to upgrade roads in Ninh Son and Ninh Hai districts and embank irrigation canals in Ninh Phuoc district. It also financed more than 2.6 million USD for the construction of key infrastructure in transportation, irrigation, healthcare, education, public welfare works, and reclamation of nearly 2000 hectares of land for agricultural production. Meanwhile villagers have donated their unpaid labor to build places of religious worship. Le Ngoc Dung - President of Phuoc Thuan Commune in Ninh Phuoc District – notes ‘Local people have strongly supported the Government’s program to build new rural areas and now all rural roads have been basically completed ensuring convenient transportation for us. On top of the state budget, villagers have contributed their own money and time’.

New rural development in Ninh Thuan province - ảnh 1
To date, most districts in Ninh Phuoc have mechanized agricultural production to cut costs and increase productivity. (Photo:

Changing production and farming habits through high-tech application has been given much attention. The ‘one must have and five down’ model is a case in point. Under the scheme, farmers are required to use certified seeds while reducing sowing density, the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer, pesticides, the volume of irrigation water and frequency of irrigation, and the amount of losses during and post harvest. Nguyen Huu Duc who heads the steering committee for new rural development in Phuoc Hau Commune, Ninh Phuoc District, says ‘We have recently applied advanced technologies to agricultural production and implemented the One must have and five down model. We hope the model will be duplicated in other communes in the district.

Over the past 2 years, Ninh Thuan has organized 285 vocational training courses for more than 8,500 trainees with a focus on agricultural, and industrial sectors and services. Tran Xuan Hoa, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said ‘Training and production re-structuring are the two highlights of our new rural development apart from communications to call on people to take part in the program. Businesses operating in the province will play a key role in the restructuring of production while cooperatives and farmers should work closely with these enterprises in production and consumption of products. Production re-structuring will go together with training, which helps increase people’s awareness and the capacity of local administrations.

Just 15 of Ninh Thuan’s 47 communes have completed more than five criteria. By 2015, the province wants to have 11 communes that meet the new rural norms. From now to the year end, Ninh Thuan will try to develop cooperatives, boost high-tech applications, and spread efficient agricultural production models to improve local incomes.

Jasi – VOV’ s correspondent in Ho Chi Minh City

