Vietnam chaired a United Nations session on South Sudan

(VOVWORLD) - Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Head of the Vietnamese Mission to the United Nations and Head of the UN Security Council’s Committee on South Sudan, has urged the South Sudan government and related parties to strengthen cooperation in the implementation of the UNSC resolutions, including Resolution 2577 towards removal of arms embargo when possible.
Vietnam chaired a United Nations session on South Sudan - ảnh 1Head of the Vietnamese Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy. Photo: Khac Hieu/VNA

Ambassador Quy chaired the Committee’s session on Friday.

The UN General Assembly on Friday endorsed a resolution on the situation in Myanmar. Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy reiterated Vietnam’s consistent view and asking all parties in Myanmar to stop violence, restore trust and start dialogues and reconciliation. The international community should continue supporting Myanmar and create favorable environment to achieve that goal in line with international law and the UN Charter.  

Also on Friday at the UN Security Council, Ambassador and Deputy Head of the Vietnamese Mission, Pham Hai Anh, voiced Vietnam’s support to the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya in line with the ceasefire agreement on October 23, 2020 and Resolution 2570 concerning Libya.

