Experts call for systematic way to preserve historical, cultural relics

(VOVworld) Vietnam aims to harmoniously resolve the relations between economic development and cultural preservation. Vietnamese cultural authorities and activists have tried to preserve and developed the value of thousands of historical and cultural relics in the country.

Experts call for systematic way to preserve historical, cultural relics  - ảnh 1
Temple of Literature, a national cultural relic site

Vietnam now has more than 40,000 historical relics of which more than 5,000 are national level classified. These relics of diverse forms and history are valuable asset for future generations.

However, hundreds of relics are severely degraded due to impact of time, war and human activities. Head of Hanoi Relics Management Board, Nguyen Doan Tuan, says restoration work must preserve the relics’ soul: “We cannot replace ruined construction with new materials. We must preserve its shape, architecture and size. We need to pay attention to every brick replaced so that it resembles the original.”

Most relics have to rely on tourist fee for repair and restoration work. Director of Van Mieu Cultural and Science Center, Dang Kim Ngoc, says that the relics must be promoted widely to attract more visitors and generate income for repair and preservation: “We provide constant guide services for visitors so that they understand more about our relic. At the same time, we have invested on the repair and restoration to preserve its artistic value. A natural surrounding of the relic has been ensured, including the grass field and garden to improve its scenic value.”

Experts call for systematic way to preserve historical, cultural relics  - ảnh 2
Hue citadel, a world heritage site in central Vietnam

Authorities agreed that the relics must be turned to the community for shared efforts in the preservation work. Director of Vietnam Revolution Museum Dang Quoc Quan, said that the community must be guided in the preservation and protection:“The UNESCO aims to let local community participate in the preservation of relics. We have seen limitations in the preservation of relics, especially festival related complexes. This requires management and guidance by authorities.”

Nguyen Thi Minh Ly from the Department of Heritage says the community should be guided in proper behaviors towards relics: “This will ensure the protection of cultural relics in later generations. Creative restoration must be based on previous values.”

Experts have called for a systematic guidance by the state in local level preservation while promoting creative thinking in restoration for each relic. This must be linked to the contemporary arts, socio economic development and international integration.

Thu Hoa

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