2 years since the disappearance of MH 370

(VOVworld)- It has been 2 years since the flight MH 370 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. A lot of effort and money have been spent to find the missing plane but what has been found doesn’t resolve the mystery of MH 370.
2 years since the disappearance of MH 370 - ảnh 1
A Philippines mural depicting the missing flight. MH370 disappeared in March 2014, with 239 people on board. Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP

Hope of finding Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 rose when debris was found off the Mozambique coast last week. An American official said the debris may have come from a Boeing 777 similar to the missing plane. Malaysian Minister of Transportation Liow Tiong Lai says there was a high probability that the debris was from a Boeing 777. The Head of Mozambique’s Civil Aviation Institute says the debris might belong to a medium-sized plane but not Boeing 77. On Sunday, Malaysian Airlines investigators arrived in Mozambique. An Australian investigation team also came.

Over the past two years, teams have used high-tech equipment and air craft to search the Indian Ocean but nothing linked to the missing plane was found except for some debris found near a French island in the Indian Ocean on July 29, 2015, which raised hopes that more of the missing plane would be found.

According to the Australian Traffic Safety Bureau, more than 85,000 square kilometers of seafloor has been combed so far. By the middle of this year, the search area will be expanded to 120,000 km2. Minister Liow Tiong Lai said that when the search ends, further steps will be discussed. If nothing is found in the search area, Malaysia, China, and Australia will make their final decision on the matter.

Malaysian officials said Malaysia will not conduct an official memorial service on the second anniversary of the disappearance but the Malaysian Parliament will hold a ceremony in Parliament on March 8 and a short speech will memorize the tragedy.


