A turning point in resolving Syria’s crisis

(VOVworld)- While the US and its Western allies are hectically preparing scenarios to attack Syria, Russia proposed to place Syria’s chemical arms under international control. This proposal changed the face of the issue bringing optimistic signs for the crisis in Syria and leading the US to put military action against Syria on hold in favor of diplomacy.

A turning point in resolving Syria’s crisis - ảnh 1
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem (Photo:AP)

Under Russia’s proposal, Syrian President Al Assad needs to place the chemical weapon stockpile under international control and the weapons will later be destroyed. At the same time, Russia proposed Syria to participate in the International Convention on Chemical Weapon Prohibition. Russian officials describe this initiative as a serious step in peacefully resolving the crisis in Syria.

One day after Russia introduced the initiative, Damascus announced that it wanted to join the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said that Syria is ready to declare the location of the chemical weapons, stop production of the chemical weapons, observe its obligations in accordance with that convention, including providing all information about these weapons.

Russia’s proposal has been highly praised by the international community, who is feared of unpredictable damages and consequences of a possible strike against Syria. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, and government representatives of China, Iran, Japan and Turkey spoke highly of Moscow’s initiative. Despite being ready for a military intervention in Syria, French President Francois Hollande said that France hoped the negotiation on placing Syria’s chemical weapons under international control would be a success. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, said the proposal breathed a fresh air into efforts to seek a political solutions to Syria’s crisis.

The initiative was also actively responded by the US. Speaking to American people, President Barak Obama said that the US wanted to explore the possibility of the proposal and was ready to use all diplomatic channels to resolve the 2-year crisis in Syria. Obama said he would maintain a regular contact with his Russian counterpart and leaders of France and the UK to seek a diplomatic solutions to Syria’s crisis. The US President proposed the Congress to delay the vote on striking against Syria. US Secretary of State John Kerry is to meet his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Geneva on Thursday.

Russia and Syria are now drafting a plan on placing Syria’s chemical weapons under international control. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle suggested that Germany could help in the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons because it has certain expertise in this area. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would contribute to the process if the proposal is specified. Meanwhile, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon called for the establishment of UN supervised safe zones in Syria to destroy these weapons. However, President Barak Obama is still skeptical about Russia’s proposal. He said he would continue persuade the Congress to approve a resolution allowing the use of force unless Syria seriously implements Russia’s proposal. Analysts said that it is not easy to implement Russia’s initiative, especially the move and control of Syria’s chemical weapons while the opposition is attempting to overthrow the Damascus administration.

The crisis in Syria is witnessing positive signs to be resolved. The international community is waiting to see whether involved parties are willing and capable to taking this opportunity to help people in Syria and the Middle East avoid a war.

Hong Van

