Cooperation and friendship reflects global integration trend

(VOVworld) – During his visit to the US, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington. His speech, entitled “US-Vietnam relations in a changing world”, highlighted benefits for each country and things to do to advance bilateral relations. VOV reporters in Washington summarize Mr. Trong’s speech.

Cooperation and friendship reflects global integration trend - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong talked at CSIS during his visit to the US

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong reviewed some landmarks in Vietnam-US relations. He said although the two countries went through a difficult period before normalization in 1995, Vietnam has consistently wished for friendly relations and close cooperation with the US.

20 years of positive relations

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said that 20 years ago few people could imagine that the two countries could overcome the pain of war to build the kind of strong, positive relationship they now enjoy. Their success is due to the efforts of leaders and people to set aside the past, overcome differences, and promote their similarities. This example of sound relations between former foes with different political systems, reflects a trend toward globalization and cooperation. “Vietnam-US relations have improved over the past 20 years based on mutual respect for international law and the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political regime of each nation, and or cooperation for mutual interests. Both countries have upheld these common principles as a basis for building political trust.”

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Mr. Trong said that amidst rapid global changes, Vietnam supports cooperative models for equal and sustainable development and mutual benefit; advocates friendly relations and balanced cooperation among countries; believes in respect for independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs; and believes all disputes should be resolved by peaceful means as presented by the UN charter and international law.

Deepening the comprehensive partnership

Party leader Trong reserved a large part of his speech for Vietnam-US relations in the new period, stressing that more effort is needed to deepen and broaden the comprehensive partnership. “First, we share common interests in enhancing bilateral comprehensive cooperation for each country’s prosperity and the people’s happiness. Second, we have common interests in boosting regional cooperation to ensure peace, stability, cooperation, and prosperity in Asia Pacific, especially in maintaining peace, security, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea with respect for international law. Third, we have common interests in joining efforts on international issues as active members of the international community.”

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong pointed to 8 things Vietnam and the US can do together to advance their relations: enhance mutual understanding to increase political trust; cooperate in economics, trade, and investment; cooperate in science, technology, education, health, and the environment; cooperate in national defense and security; cooperate on humanitarian issues; step up people-to-people exchanges; cooperate on human rights; and cooperate on regional and global issues: “The past 20 years show that friendship and cooperation are the right direction for our bilateral relations, benefiting both countries and both peoples. The differences between our countries are natural in a diverse world where nations have the right to choose their own development path. Over the past 2 decades, our two countries have shared common interests and our differences need not be obstructions to our relationship.”

After the speech, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong talked with scholars, researchers, and diplomats about the development orientations which will be adopted at the 12th national Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam earlier next year which explicitly refer to   Vietnam-US relations.

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