Kitchen God worship – Vietnamese cultural tradition

(VOVWORLD) - Tet, Vietnam’s Lunar New Year celebration, is the most important event of the year in Vietnam. Many ancient customs are preserved as cultural features of Tet, including Kitchen God worship.
Kitchen God worship – Vietnamese cultural tradition - ảnh 1A Kitchen God worship (photo: VOV)

No one knows when the Kitchen God worship custom began. It has been practiced by countless generations in Vietnam.

According to Vietnamese legend, the God of Heaven sent three deities down to earth to watch over each household, observing each family from their kitchen. The Kitchen Gods record people’s good and bad behavior throughout the year. Then, on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month, they ride on three golden carp back to Heaven to deliver their report to the God of Heaven so he can mete out merits and punishments.

Vietnamese people believe the Kitchen Gods’ report will determine their good or bad luck and happiness or unhappiness in the coming year.

In the hope of a good report, on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month, people clean their house and kitchen and prepare a feast to send off the Kitchen Gods. Golden carp are the only form of transportation that can take the Kitchen Gods to Heaven, because, when released into a lake or river, they transform into dragons.

Cultural researcher Nguyen Cung Ha said: “You can worship the Kitchen Gods before the 23rd day, but you must finish the ritual before noon on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month, because Heaven’s gate closes at noon. The offerings can include meat or vegan dishes, depending on the family’s financial condition, but should also have cakes, fruits, votive clothing for the Kitchen Gods, and three real or votive carp. It doesn't matter whether the offering is sumptuous or plain. Sincerity is the most important thing.”

The custom of worshipping Kitchen Gods varies by region, but one thing is invariable: sincere belief in the deities, whose report decides the happiness and prosperity of the family.

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