NA deputies contribute to draft documents of 12th National Party Congress

(VOVworld)- At the 10th session of the 13th National Assembly, deputies contributed opinions to the draft documents of the 12th National Party Congress. Their comments focused on socio-economic development solutions and directions.
NA deputies contribute to draft documents of 12th National Party Congress  - ảnh 1

The 12th National Party Congress will be held in early 2016. National Assembly deputies’ comments on its draft documents are of strategic importance for national socio-economic development and defense and international integration.

Enterprises, a driving force in national industrialization and modernization

Deputies agreed that the draft documents of the 12th National Party Congress analyzed various aspects of socio-economic development and introduced appropriate and feasible solutions for national development, agreed on the important role of enterprises in national industrialization and modernization. Nguyen Quoc Binh is a deputy representing Hanoi: “The 2013 Constitution stipulates that enterprises are an important force. In policies and resolutions, enterprises are identified as the key force in national industrialization and modernization. Many incentives have been introduced to motivate enterprise development”.

According to the draft documents of the 12th National Party Congress, the market serves as a mechanism for the state to distribute resources and manage economic growth.

Extensive economic development

The deputies are concerned about mapping out an extensive growth model based on increasing productivity, a skilled workforce, and scientific advances. Nguyen Phi Thuong is another deputy for Hanoi: “We need to improve growth quality, increase the effectiveness of the economy, and encourage enterprises to increase their investment and apply science and technology. It’s important to pay more attention to human resource training, especially high-end personnel. We need to change our mindset and reform our institutions to achieve extensive economic growth”.

The deputies discussed solutions to accelerate the Master Plan on Restructuring the Economy and Economic Sectors. They highlighted the importance of the restructuring of public investment, the banking and finance sector, especially commercial banks, and state-owned enterprises.

Attaching great importance to the private sector

According to the draft documents of the 12th National Party Congress, the private sector SMEs are a driving force for national economic development. Nguyen Quoc Binh said:“The resolution of the 11th Party Congress identified different economic sectors including the private sector. But the draft resolution of the 12th National Party Congress states the need to fine-tune mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for the private sector because it’s a driving force for the national economy. This will create a foundation for us to promote the market economy and mobilize social resources for economic growth”.

The deputies stressed the need to increase the number of enterprises from the current 500,000 to 2 million by 2020. They urged the state to fine-tune the market mechanism to ensure fair competition between sectors.



