National Assembly’s legislative reform

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly has improved its performance, especially in legislative work, in 2012. Vietnam’s highest legislative body has determined to improve the quality and number of laws it adopts to meet the requirements of socio-economic growth and building a socialist state governed by law.

National Assembly’s legislative reform - ảnh 1

The National Assembly’s Council of Ethnicity, the Standing Committees of the NA, and the Councils of Ethnicity have been busy verifying and answering legal proposals for ordinances and policies to be included in the legislative program.

Accordingly, more regulations have been issued to define the responsibilities involved in the legislative process and punishments for violators. The NA’s Law Committee is in charge of verifying and supporting the NA’s Standing Committee to compile a draft program on law and ordinance making. The Council of Ethnicity and the NA Committees supervise the implementation of the law and ordinance making program according to their assigned duties. They submit monthly reports on the progress and quality of draft laws and ordinances to the Law Committee, who summarizes the reports to the Standing Committee.

A noteworthy activity in legislative reform is organizing an on-line meeting of full-time deputies, managers, experts, and scientists between two NA sessions. More time has been reserved for discussion on draft laws and resolutions in the NA Standing Committee, the Council of Ethnicity and NA Committee delegations.  

In the 3rd and 4th session this year, the NA adopted 22 draft laws, which was a large number compared to previous sessions. The NA debated 12 other draft laws which need further amendments in the coming sessions. The Laws on Anti-corruption, on Capital, on Vietnam Sea, and a revised Labor Code were passed with the majority of votes for. A number of resolutions were approved, including a resolution on collecting public opinions for the 1992 Constitution revision, a resolution on question and answer sessions, a resolution on votes of confidence for officials elected or appointed by the NA or People’s Councils, and a resolution on piloting a private bailiff service. NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung says: "The laws have been put under thorough consideration with an innovative but realistic spirit. The NA approved a resolution on votes of confidence for officials elected or appointed by the NA and the People’s Councils. This is an important reform in national political affairs aiming to bring to life the Party’s guidelines and laws and protect the people’s rights through the NA and the People’s Councils’ supervisory duties."

In 2012, the NA adopted a resolution on a project to reform and improve the NA’s performance, including NA committees and deputies. The law and ordinance making program for 2013 was also passed

The NA debated for the first time the draft 1992 Constitution revision. After collecting public opinions, the revised Constitution will be submitted to the NA’s 6th session next October for approval. NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu says: "The Constitution amendment aims to define the people’s mastery and meet the national development requirements in the new period. The people are the ultimate holders of state power. The state’s power belongs to the people. The revised Constitution will fully promote the human element, which confirms that the government respects and guarantees the basic rights of its people."

The NA intends to completely overhaul the legal system by 2020. In 2012, the NA’s legislative reforms have helped promote a socialist-oriented market economy and boost Vietnam’s international integration process.

Ngoc Anh




