National Assembly’s proposals to resolve economic difficulties

(VOVworld) – During the 6th session of the 13th National Assembly, the deputies analyzed the overall economic situation and worked out orientations for the future. VOV’s reporters review Thursday’s discussion.

National Assembly’s proposals to resolve economic difficulties  - ảnh 1
The NA deputies have group discussions on various issues

To make a longer-term development strategy
Many deputies said Vietnam’s economy has not overcome the difficult period. This is evident in the slow growth rate, and poor recovery and investment efficiency. Deputy Tran Du Lich of Ho Chi Minh city suggested that the Government devise a longer-term development strategy – not just for 2014, but until 2015. “We should set the average growth rate for 2 years at 6%. It’s not necessary to hastily boost demand and sales by any means possible. The consumer price index should be kept at 7%. The government has proposed raising the budget deficit to 5.3% in 2014 and 2015. It’s acceptable temporarily, but the most important thing is to resolve difficulties in credit growth. If credit does not increase 15%, the economy can hardly escape stagnancy. Macro-economic stabilization remains the primary task until 2015 if we wish to reform the economy.”

To establish a Committee on economic reform
The reform of public investment, commercial banks and financial institutions, and state-owned enterprises has not attained its targets, the deputies said. Truong Trong Nghia, a Ho Chi Minh city deputy, proposed the creation of a Committee to oversee reform work next year comprised of representatives of the National Assembly, price appraisal organizations, and independent monitoring organizations. Dinh Xuan Thao, a Hanoi deputy, asked the Government to analyze and impose stronger measures to enhance public investment. Meanwhile, deputy Tran Du Lich suggested that in equitizing state-owned enterprises the government should draw capital from companies in which the government doesn’t have a major share, to use for other purposes. “It’s ineffective to equitize affiliates and give the money back to the parent company. I propose that the government keep 51% of shares in key Corporations, and sell its capital in Corporations where it is a minority share-holder. We need an overview of groups and sectors where the government will focus its investment to guide the market. If we cannot do so, we will lose our capital and will have to borrow to build hospitals and public projects.” 

Economic reform should be systemized, said deputy Tran Xuan Hoa of Quang Ninh province: “The resolution of the 3rd plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on economic reform is correct but the measures to realize it have not been completed.”

The implementation of the 2011-2015 plan is nearly completed, but deputies said the Government should not hastily boost demand and over-heat growth. The quality of growth should be taken into consideration and macro-stability is the ultimate aim.     

The Vietnamese government hopes to obtain a yearly economic growth rate of 6% in 2014 and 2015. Proposals by the National Assembly deputies have been calculated to restore the economy’s momentum. 

