New development in India-Pakistan relationship

(VOVworld)- Narendra Modi became the first Indian Prime Minister in more than a decade to visit Pakistan when he made a surprise stop in Lahore on Friday to meet his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif. The visit created a momentum to boost comprehensive dialogue between the two countries whose relationship has been strained due to terrorism and territorial issues.
New development in India-Pakistan relationship - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif at a meeting in Lahore in latter’s residence on Friday. (Source: PIB)

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Pakistan was arranged few hours before en routing to India from Afghanistan. The visit followed a series of diplomatic activities to boost India-Pakistan ties. Earlier, the two Prime Ministers met on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Ufa, Russia in July, and the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 21) in Paris last month.  Indian and Pakistani Security Advisors held talks in Bangkok, Thailand on December 6. Indian External Relations Minister Suashma Swaraij has recently visited Pakistan.

In Lahore, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif warmly welcomed his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi. They spent two hours discussing bilateral ties. The two leaders agreed to resume high-ranking peace talks, strengthen bilateral ties and increase direct meetings to promote peace in both countries. The two countries’ Foreign Ministers will meet in Islamabad in the middle of next month to discuss pending issues.

The outcomes of the Indian Prime Minister’s short visit to Pakistan showed the two countries’ readiness to boost bilateral ties which was worsened after the terrorist attack in Mumbai in 2008 that killed more than 100 people. India blamed Pakistani rebels for the attack. Speaking to reporters after the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Pakistan, Pakistani Foreign Secretary Chaudhry Ahmad Aizaz said it was a goodwill visit. Imran Khan, leader of the Tehreek-e-Insaf Party in Pakistan said regular visits between leaders of the two countries will bring about positive impact for bilateral ties and peace for the region. The leader of the Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutoo Zardari said the sole solution to the pending issues between the two countries is to hold such contacts and dialogues. Many researchers described the visit as an important breakthrough because the two countries agreed to resume talks and comprehensive dialogues on various issues and at different levels. Despite territorial disputes and competition to increase their influence in the region, India and Pakistan have recently made efforts to improve their relationship.

