No one is left behind in pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 pandemic is damaging people’s lives and national socio-economic development. The Vietnamese Party, State, and government are implementing several practical policies to ensure socio-economic development and contain the disease to protect people’s health so that no one is left behind in the pandemic and people’s rights to live and grow are ensured.
No one is left behind in pandemic - ảnh 1Doctors and nurses work days and nights to care for people's health

The motto “No one left behind” has been reflected in the Vietnamese Party, State, and government’s policies and social organization activities to contain the COVID-19 pandemic since the first outbreak last year.

Leaders of the Vietnamese Party, State, government, local administrations, ministries and sectors have visited pandemic hotspots to inspect the situation and work out prompt solutions to contain the pandemic and ensure social security.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited epicenters in Bac Giang, Bac Ninh, Dong Nai, Tay Ninh, Long An, Binh Duong, and HCM City and adopted several policies to defeat the virus and protect people’s lives. These include Resolution 68 on helping workers and employers affected by the pandemic, streamlining administrative procedures, and enabling workers and employers to access a 1.1-billion-USD aid package and other support programs. The government adopted Resolution 53 on establishing a COVID-19 Vaccine Fund and Resolution 78 on mobilizing Vietnamese people inside and outside the country to help the government fight the pandemic.

No one is left behind in pandemic - ảnh 2Army forces are engaged in the fight against COVID-19

Vietnam began its vaccine strategy at the first outbreak of the pandemic. Vietnam has imported vaccines, encouraged the transfer of vaccine production technology, and promoted domestic vaccine production in order to contain the pandemic as quickly as possible. Vietnam has implemented its largest-ever vaccination program, with 18,000 vaccination sites across the country. Resources for the vaccination program are paid for from the state budget, the COVID-19 vaccine fund, and private donations. Vietnam is determined to vaccinate as many people as possible to obtain herd immunity.

Since the pandemic began, Vietnam has given top priority to protecting people’s health and saving lives. The administration at all levels and the whole political system have accelerated vaccination while strengthening capacity in treatment, tracing, quarantining, setting up field hospitals, and mobilizing forces to contain the pandemic and ensure social security. Resolution 68 on government support for COVID-19-affected people expands the scope, forms, and subjects of support, focusing on vulnerable people, with the motto “No one left behind”.

This is a prompt solution helping employees and employers strengthen their resilience against negative impacts of the pandemic while maintaining their production and business activities. Local administrations in Hanoi, HCM City, Da Nang and many other localities have used their budgets to help people and businesses affected by the pandemic. Local administrations have also provided food and other essential goods to people in quarantine areas, where production and businesses are suspended due to the pandemic.

The Vietnamese Party, State, and government are determined to contain the pandemic in order to stabilize people’s lives and restore production and business activities. In the first half of this year, Vietnam’s industrial production grew 9.3% and agricultural exports increased 28% against the same period last year.

The government and local administrations have set up several channels to share information, analyze the situation, forecast, and work out measures to maintain exports during the pandemic.

Local support has been less than some people hoped for, but seen in the broader context, the Party, State, and government have done their best. Despite some persistent problems, Vietnam is determined to leave no one behind as it strives to achieve the dual goal of containing the pandemic while maintaining economic growth.

