Renovating mass mobilization work for international integration

(VOVworld) – A conference on “Enhancing and renovating mass mobilization work” is being held by the Party Committee of Central Agencies in Hanoi. VOV analyzes the need to renovate mass mobilization work to support the integration process.
Renovating mass mobilization work for international integration  - ảnh 1

Mass mobilization is a premise and motivation for socio-economic development. It’s considered a political task of Party cells, State agencies, and socio-political organizations. Mass mobilization work in the new period aims to communicate, educate, encourage, and persuade people to comply with Party guidelines and government policies to meet the requirements of national reform and global economic integration.

Enhancing and renovating Party leadership in mass mobilization work

The primary aim of mass mobilization work is to reinforce people’s trust in the Party and the state. Party Committees at all levels must continue to study and comprehend Party and State resolutions, directions, and regulations on mass mobilization, especially the 11th Party Central Committee’s resolution on “Enhancing Party leadership on mass mobilization in the new period.”

All cadres, Party members, and state employees have to stay close to the people to understand their thinking and set good examples. Dao Ngoc Dung, Secretary of the Party Committee of Central Agencies, said: “Secretaries of the Party Committees and heads of agencies have to regularly attend dialogues with cadres, party members, and state employees to learn people’s wishes, collect their suggestions, and promptly resolve problems. They must improve their sense of responsibility and code of ethics to be good state employees who listen to the people and serve their needs. They should study President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example of responsibility and anti-individualism, and realize their commitments.”

The Party’s mass mobilization work targets social equality for people of all strata, ethnic groups, religions, and genders. Mass mobilization work should be diversified to match different targets.

Raising awareness and responsibility of Party cells

Mass mobilization work should focus on the grassroots to get to know people’s situation, communicate to generate social consensus, and foster national unity. Party Committees should integrate mass mobilization work into their monthly, quarterly, and yearly plans. Nguyen Duy Viet, Vice Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission, said the policy-making process should take into consideration people’s opinions. “Mass mobilization work must benefit the people. We have to listen to public opinions and promote people’s strengths in the process of building mechanisms, policies, and laws and encourage them to abide by Party guidelines.”

It’s important to boost the campaign on “Appropriate mass mobilization work”, national patriotic movements, and anti-corruption work.

Increasing mass mobilization work in state agencies

Increasing mass mobilization work in state agencies is considered critical in the new period. Nguyen The Trung, Deputy Head of the Mass Mobilization Commission, stresses the importance of grassroots democracy. “We have to regularly and continuously implement democracy at the grassroots level. It will better promote the capability of cadres and people and unity. People care about administrative reform and we have to use people’s and enterprises’ satisfaction to measure administrative reform results.”

Mass mobilization work is the obligation of the political system including the Party leadership, the government management, and the supervision of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations. Renovating mass mobilization aims to foster the relationship between the Party and the people to build a peaceful, stable, and integrated Vietnamese nation.

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