Stronger actions needed to fight corruption

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity convened last week. Chaired by Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, the meeting discussed more resolute and drastic measures to fight corruption considering it a vital task in boosting national development.
Stronger actions needed to fight corruption - ảnh 1Party General Secretary speaks at the meeting of the Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity on May 10 (photo: VOV)

Since it was set up in 2013, the Steering Committee has strengthened the fight against corruption and negativity in a more determined, more effective, and more drastic manner.

Promoting achievements, promptly tackling obstacles

Since the Committee’s January meeting, this fight has been accelerated and achieved considerable results.

Party committees and functional agencies have enhanced inspection, supervision, investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment enforcement. They focused on removing difficulties and obstacles, speeding up the investigation and handling of cases of corruption, negativity, degradation of political ideology, morality and lifestyle, and strictly handling leaders whose agencies have reported cases of corruption and negativity.

The functional agencies have investigated and prosecuted many defendants in big, complicated corruption and negative cases involving leaders of ministries, sectors and localities, in both state and private sectors.

These achievements reflect the Party and State's determination to fight corruption and negativity, and the public’s consensus in this effort. Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said: “Every meeting of the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity draws public attention.

Agencies have worked closely to achieved strong consensus. Our workload is huge but we have handled cases very seriously and convincingly. Many difficult cases have been settled methodically. Establishing provincial steering committees on anti-corruption is vital evidence by encouraging results in many localities."

More resolute, more drastic measures to fight corruption, negativity

Mr. Trong asked agencies to work more closely and effectively and tackle problems promptly. He said “if it’s the law that obstructs our effort, we should amend the law, and if there is no law, we should create one.” Agencies need to speed up the investigation and prosecution of cases under the direction and oversight of the Steering Committee.

Mr. Trong said it’s important to hold responsible collectives, individuals and leaders formulating and promulgating mechanisms, policies and laws, and deal hastily with violations and keep “special interests" and "narrow interests" out of the promulgation of policies and laws.

He said: “We need to build on pass successes in the fight against corruption in a stronger, more drastic and more effective manner. Don't dodge, don't push, don't look for excuses, but strengthen inspection, proactively prevent, don't leave loopholes or allow abuses, and further strengthen communication and oversight. Don’t allow bad actors to take advantage of our fight against corruption to incite internal divisions. If detected, we must deal with it.”

According to the Party leader, the fight against corruption in Vietnam has become more practical and effective with impressive results, the support of people at home and abroad, and attention and appreciation from many organizations around the world. Corruption is a problem of all countries in all eras.

History shows that there is no institution or nation absolutely free of corruption. A country’s prosperity and development depend on successfully fighting corruption. In Vietnam, it is a vital task to prevent and combat corruption and negativity. It’s a challenging task, but with strong determination and the unanimity of the Party and people, Vietnam is confident of succeeding.

