Ultimate value of human rights is protecting human lives

(VOVWORLD) - During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has already killed tens of thousands of people around the world, Vietnam has been one of the few countries whose approach to containing the pandemic has been undeniably successful. Vietnam’s primary goal has been to protect its people and its success in this effort is a strong response to suggestions that Vietnam should place human rights at the center of its COVID-19 prevention and control activities.
Ultimate value of human rights is protecting human lives - ảnh 1Foreigners living in Vietnam say thanks after recovery from Covid-19 infection. (Photo: Hanoi massive community) 

CIVICUS, a global alliance of civil society organizations and activists based in South Africa, recently stated that during the global COVID-19 pandemic, states should not impose emergency laws as a pretext for restricting civil rights. CIVICUS specified that Vietnam, among several other countries, should place human rights at the center of its COVID-19 prevention and control policies.

Countries have imposed different rules to contain the pandemic

When the pandemic began to rage globally, most states issued new rules to cope with the worst crisis since World War II, as the UN Secretary General called it. Many countries have imposed a state of emergency and social distancing measures, locked down big cities, and issued or revised laws to cope with the crisis. Punishments for violators have included more than simple warnings. Russia, Hungary, Ireland, and Australia have imposed tough penalties for violating lockdown rules, intentionally transmitting the disease, or spreading misleading information about COVID-19. After several inconsistent and contradictory statements by President Trump, the US government set penalties for persons who violate quarantine laws.

Ultimate value of human rights is protecting human lives - ảnh 2

Foreigners express their support for the Vietnamese government's social distancing measures. (Photo: Hanoi massive community)

Ultimate value of human rights is protecting human lives

Vietnam is doing its best to protect the lives and health of its people. Since the COVID-19 epidemic first broke out, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has repeatedly said that Vietnam is willing to sacrifice economic benefits for public health and human lives. No COVID-19 patient in Vietnam, Vietnamese or foreigner, has been “left behind.” Officials at all levels have addressed every risk to the community.

The international community has praised the Vietnamese government for providing free treatment to all COVID-19 patients and free support from soldiers, policemen, and medical staff for everyone held in a quarantine area.

Ultimate value of human rights is protecting human lives - ảnh 3 Inside a quarantine area (photo: SKĐS)

While mobilizing resources to contain the pandemic, the government has increased public investment in economic development, job generation, interest rate reductions, tax cuts, and extension of payments for businesses.

A social security package has been created to assist the poor, social contributors, workers furloughed without pay, and businesses hurt by the pandemic. The government policy ensures that no one will suffer from hunger and production will be revived. The Vietnamese government’s measures to protect human health and lives are acknowledged worldwide and supported by its people.

Suggestions that Vietnam should pay attention to human rights during the COVID-19 pandemic are uninformed. Throughout history the Vietnamese government has always placed people at the center of its policies and governance. Promoting human rights has always been a core value of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

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