Victory over fascism honored

(VOVworld) – May 9th marks 71 years of the victory of allied forces against German fascists. Activities are being held in many countries to celebrate the victory of the Soviet Union and allied forces in the fight against fascism, putting an end to World War 2.



Victory over fascism honored - ảnh 1



Russia marked the event with a military parade on May 9, involving approximately 10,000 soldiers, 11 military vehicles, and more than 100 weaponry units such as T-90 tanks, BTR-82A armored vehicles, Buk-M2 air-defense missiles, and Armata tanks. It was the first time that female soldiers joined a military parade in Russia.

Countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (SNG) hold commemorative activities from May 6 to 9. Hundreds of thousands of people in Moldova laid wreaths at memorials to commemorate those who died in the Soviet Union’s war for national protection. A march was held in Chisinau capital. A meeting was held at Romania’s Parliament Building to commemorate the victory over fascism and victims of the genocide against Jewish people. An exhibit opened in Warsaw, Poland, featuring the crime of national socialism and the mission of the Soviet Red Army to liberate Europe. The exhibit depicts events in the last year of World War 2, in which more than 1 million people died to free 11 nations from fascism. The exhibit also praises the Soviet Union’s great support for reconstruction in central and east European countries.

The Russian Consulate General in New York held a meeting with the participation of associations of war veterans of World War 2 from former Soviet Union countries and association of former prisoners at concentrated camps.  

In a resolution issued in 2004, the UN General Assembly called May 9 a day of commemoration and reconciliation to commemorate the victims of World War 2 and demonstrate reconciliation between nations. The victory day reminds us of the need to treasure and protect world peace to avoid any similar fascist disaster in any form.

