Vietnam joins international efforts in mine action

(VOVWORLD) - A symposium themed “Safe ground, safe steps, safe home” was held last Monday in the framework of the Mine Action Week hosted by the United Nations Mine Action Service. Being a country that is suffering from bomb and mine consequences left over from the war, Vietnam has shared its experience and joined the international effort to overcome bomb and mine consequences.
Vietnam joins international efforts in mine action - ảnh 1(Photo: VNA)

Since 2005, the UN has observed April 4 as International Mine Awareness Day. Mine Action Week has been held annually to discuss future work and support for mine action.

Several programs, solutions in place  

Bombs and mines are still a problem in many countries around the world. Raising public awareness and strengthening international cooperation are important solutions.

Decades after the end of the war, Vietnam still suffers from the deadly threat of millions of tons of bombs, mines and UXO, which have killed more than 40,000 and disabled 60,000 more. 18 percent of Vietnam’s land area is still polluted with bombs, mines and UXO.

Over the years, Vietnam has implemented several programs to clear bombs and mines and help victims and shared its experience.

Nguyen Hanh Phuc, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Mine Action Center, said: "Vietnam is addressing war consequences not just in Vietnam but in other other countries. Vietnam is one of the countries leading the global effort to prevent war, clear bombs, mines, and other explosives, and help other countries around the world avoid the serious consequences of war."

Strengthening international cooperation for a safer world

Vietnam attaches great importance to raising public awareness and boosting international cooperation in mine action. It has participated in several international cooperation mechanisms including the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects and the Convention on Cluster Munitions, and has mobilized other countries, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations to help in mine action.

When it held the UN Security Council Chairmanship last April, Vietnam stressed the importance of boosting international cooperation in mine action. The UN has several times praised Vietnam as a model for dealing with bomb and mine consequences.

Vietnam joins international efforts in mine action - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the conference to review the National Mine Action Program after 10 years

In his address at a conference to review the National Mine Action Program after 10 years, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said: "Vietnam will continue to overcome bomb and mine consequences. We call on governments of other countries, international organizations, and donors to continue to help Vietnam in this effort. We need to work together to build trust, maintain peace, strengthen friendship, and cooperate for development and for peace, safety and happiness for all."

Participating in the UN’s Mine Action Week, Vietnam once again called for stronger actions to prevent war and armed conflict so that countries around the world will never again suffer from war consequences.

