Vietnam obtains high achievements in human development

(VOVworld) – According to the global report of the UN Development Programme, Viet Nam is among more than 40 developing countries identified to have done better than expected in human development terms in recent decades. The report reaffirms Vietnam’s achievements in human development which have been recognized internationally.

Vietnam obtains high achievements in human development  - ảnh 1
Doctors offer free medical check-ups for people in remote, mountain areas of Dac Lac province (

Among the countries mentioned in the UNDP report, Vietnam is said to have made the most progress in human development. Viet Nam’s Human Development Index has increased by 41 percent in the past two decades. The UNDP attributes these achievements to the Vietnamese government’s strong commitment to better public health and educational services, innovative poverty reduction programs, and strategic engagement with the global economy.
The UNDP’s assessment is accurate. Vietnam has always placed people in the centre and considered people the target and motivation of the development process. During Vietnam’s renewal process of nearly 3 decades, the orientation has been realized in national development policies, programs, and strategies which have obtained impressive results. People’s improving material and spiritual lives are reflected in rising income per capita and a rising human development index of longevity, education and training, society, and culture. Gender equality has recorded fundamental results.
Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Politburo member and Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly, says: "Vietnam’s gender equality ranks higher than in many countries of the same development level and income. Vietnam has been recognized for eliminating the gender gap over the last 20 years in Southeast Asia. With the Party and State policies and efforts by the women themselves, women have contributed to state management, production, trade, external affairs, science and technology, and building progressive families."
Vietnam has fulfilled many Millennium Development Goals ahead of schedule, particularly the goals on poverty reduction, universalizing primary education, improving maternal health, and reducing the fatality rate of children under 5. In addition, Vietnam respects international conventions on human rights and development. Vietnam is a member of the UN Convention on Human Rights, the International Labor Organization, and many agreements and bilateral treaties to enhance, and protect human rights. Vietnam signed the international convention on the rights of people with disabilities and is considering engaging in other treaties in the future.
Bui Thanh Son, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, elaborates: "2009 and 2010 was the most memorable period in Vietnam’s international cooperation on human rights. In 2009, Vietnam defended its national report on human rights implementation under the periodic review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council. The international community highly regards Vietnam’s achievements in the renewal process and the Vietnamese government’s commitments to implementing and boosting human rights and human development."
From now until 2020 is a critical period for Vietnam to achieve its development goals to become an industrialized nation. Human development is of great importance in achieving national development goals. Vietnam considers it one of the three breakthroughs in its national socio-economic development strategy from 2011-2020. With an orientation of proactive international integration, Vietnam will continue to cooperate with international partners to launch programs and initiatives for sustainable development with high priority given to human development. The Vietnamese government is committed to working closely with the UNDP and UN agencies to promote human development in order to achieve all of its Millennium Development Goals.

