Vietnam’s green growth strategy

(VOVworld)- As Vietnam is one of the countries that is affected by climate change, it has devised a green growth strategy to deal with environmental pollution, reduce green house gas emissions and cope with sea level rise. The strategy aims to ensure sustainable economic growth in the next ten years.

Vietnam’s green growth strategy - ảnh 1

Drafted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy changes the country’s growth model to one based on low carbon emissions, green production and consumption and restructuring the economy to effectively connect economic growth with social progresses, social equality, and environmental protection. The strategy is seen as an effective way to cope with climate change, improve the environment and generate jobs. "Under the strategy, we focus on promoting industries and economic sectors that effectively use natural resources with high added values in order to eliminate sectors and occupations that waste natural resources and pollute the environment. We also promote the application and development of advanced technology to recycle natural resources and reduce green house gas emissions to cope with climate change. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to improve people’s living conditions by generating more jobs in green industries and developing an environmentally friendly lifestyle", said Pham Hoang Mai, Director of the Department of Natural Resource and Environment Science and Education of the Ministry of Planning and Investment. 

The strategy mobilizes all sectors, enterprises and the entire political system and society to participate in environmental protection. "Vietnam’s green growth is based on economic restructuring to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. To this end, it’s important to research and apply advanced technology and invest in upgrading infrastructure to effectively use natural resources, reduce green house gas emissions, and cope with climate change thus reducing poverty and getting the economy to grow sustainbly", added Mr. Mai.

The draft strategy has received support from several ministries and organizations. "Developing a green economy is crucial in this economic and ecological crisis. The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor will work out its own strategy to join practically and effectively with the government in shifting to a green economy thus increasing the strength of the economy and ensuring social welfare", said Mai Duc Chinh, Deputy Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is developing its own green growth strategy. Huynh Dac Thang, Deputy Head of the Planning Department says the ministry is seeking ways to encourage the use of renewable energy. "The rapid economic growth has resulted in a rapid rise in energy consumption. The promotion of renewable energy will influence the green economy and restore the labor market as jobs are generated", said Mr. Thang.

Vietnam’s green growth strategy is expected to be ratified by the government in June and will be implemented through 2020. It is estimated that Vietnam’s energy consumption equivalent as a share of GDP will shrink by 3% annually and green house gas emissions will be reduced 5%.

Thu Hoa

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