Vietnam’s multilateral diplomacy in retrospect

(VOVWORLD) - 2019 marked a milestone in Vietnam’s multilateral diplomacy. It was elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term. Throughout the year, Vietnam has had a stronger voice at global forums, promoting peace, independence, sovereignty, social progress, and human rights.

Vietnam’s multilateral diplomacy in retrospect  - ảnh 1 The Vietnamese delegation celebrates Vietnam’s election to the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term

June 7 was a special day for Vietnam. It marked the country’s convincing return to the UN Security Council with a near-unanimous vote: 192 out of 193 votes. This result acknowledges the international community’s support for what Vietnam has done for world peace and security. Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid applauded Vietnam’s new election and said: “I am happy that multilateralism won. All people who got the elected member seats know the higher responsibilities are waiting for us in the future.”

Vietnam, who joined the UN 40 years ago, also had a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in 2008 and 2009, and a member of the UN Human Rights Council from 2014 to 2016, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2015-2019 tenure, and the UNESCO Executive Council from 2017 to 2021. Dr. Le Dinh Tinh of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, said: “Vietnam’s multilateral diplomacy reflects a higher degree of confidence and stature based on 3 grounds. First, Vietnam’s successful diplomacy, including the recently-adopted multilateralism. Second, Vietnam’s past experience in the UN, especially the UN Security Council. And third, the support of other countries in and outside the region.”

Vietnam’s multilateral diplomacy in retrospect  - ảnh 2US President  Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un meet at the Hanoi Summit (Photo: AP) 

The successful hosting of the US-DPRK Summit in February was an impressive credit to Vietnam’s peace policy, bringing US President  Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un closer to addressing Pyongyang’s nuclear program. Australian international relations analyst Carl Thayer commented on what this event meant to Vietnam: “Being the next ASEAN Chair, Vietnam and ASEAN itself always want to contribute or help with the peace process in Korea. The meeting in Vietnam might mean that ASEAN itself and Vietnam as a Chair can continue to play a role to encourage this peace process.”

In 2019, Vietnam continued its UN peacekeeping mission by sending a level2 field hospital to South Sudan, Vietnam’s biggest deployment since it first began participating in the UN mission in 2013. Deputy Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh said: “The biggest benefit we got might be improved awareness. Sending a peacekeeping force to South Sudan has political implications and reflects the Party and State’s strategic vision of national defense at a distance. Safeguarding the fatherland involves safeguarding peace. We are now more aware of our political will, human resources, and military capability.”

This year Vietnam welcomed 1,700 foreign delegates to the UN Vesak Day, delivering a strong message that Vietnam cherishes peace and friendship and is committed to mitigating conflicts and human suffering.

When the year 2020 begins in 10 days’ time, Vietnam will embark on its new mission to contribute more to the world. Vietnam is committed to pursuing the universal values and principles stated in the UN Charter and is ready to work with other countries to solve all global challenges.  

