VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020

(VOVWORLD) - Here are the Top Ten World Events of 2020 selected by the Voice of Vietnam (VOV)

1. COVID-19 crisis affects every aspect of life around the world

Since the first case of COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, Hubei, China on November 17, 2019, the coronavirus has spread to 5 continents causing more than 83 million infections and 1.8 million deaths by December, 2020. Those numbers will continue to rise. The US, India, Brazil, and Russia have been the worst hit by the pandemic.

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 1COVID-19 crisis affects every aspect of life around the world (photo: thoibaotaichinhvietnam.vn)

The World Bank estimates that the COVID-19 pandemic will shrink global GDP 3-6% and cause damage worth at least 5 trillion USD. The coronavirus has created a crisis changing people’s lives, global economic, political, cultural, sports, and travel activities and international relations. Major international events,  including the G20 Summit, the UN General Assembly, and the ASEAN Summit, were held online this year and many international sports events including the 2020 Olympics were postponed.

Countries around the world are urgently developing COVID-19 vaccines hoping to contain the pandemic by the end of 2021.

2. US election: Dramatic race of incumbent President Donald Trump and candidate Joe Biden

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 2(Photo: thethaovanhoa.vn)

The 2020 US Presidential Election took place while the US suffers from economic and loss of lives from COVID-19 along with a serious split in society. Differences on internal and external policies of  candidates Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden will affect not only the US but also the world.

This was the first election in US history with the largest number of popular votes for both the winner and the loser. The election reflected a deep divide in US society and among politicians. When Joe Biden was confirmed to win 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump did not concede and repeatedly said there was election fraud. Healing the US and restoring cracked relations with its allies as well as containing COVID-19 are the major challenges for the new administration of Joe Biden.

3. US-China strategic competition continues to be tense

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 3(Photo: Nikkei Asian Review)

 Tension between the US and China has expanded from trade to all aspects, getting more fierce and direct. Starting with disputes over the origin of coronavirus and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, tension has expanded to technology and diplomacy as the two countries ordered closure of their relative consulates and accused each other of economic and technological espionage. The US government banned the download of China’s TikTok and WeChat applications in the US, and imposed sanctions and bans against many big Chinese companies.

Strategic competition between the US and China has also expanded to military, politics, security, diplomacy and ideology. The competition is affecting the world and expected to continue for a long time.

4. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement signed, creating the world’s largest trade bloc

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 4(Photo: vov.vn)

The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership marks a historic milestone for ASEAN’s cooperation with its partners – China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand – to create a foundation for a new period of comprehensive, long-term cooperation based on member countries’ development and interests.

RCEP is part of Vietnam’s contribution as ASEAN Chair. 15 countries participating in the deal make up 30% of the world’s population -2.2 billion people and 30% of the global GDP- 26.2 trillion USD, making RCEP the world’s largest trade bloc. The deal will eliminate 90% of tariffs between member countries during the next 20 years and create a common ground for e-commerce, goods exchanges and intellectual property rights.

5. Nagorno–Karabakh conflict, southern Kavkaz witnessed a bloodshed war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2020

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 5(Photo: Reuters)

This was the worst war between Azerbaijan and Armenia since 1994 killing more than 5,000 people on both sides. With Russia as mediator, Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a truce on November 10, 2020. Despite the truce, disputes between the two countries and tribal disputes in the Nagorno-Karabakh region remain complicated and are likely to reoccur.

6. China-India border dispute becomes confrontational

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 6Indian troops on Srinagar- Ladakh highway in Gagangeer, northwestern Srinagar, India on June 17, 2020 after the bloody border conflict between India and China in LAC (Photo: AP)

Tension between India and China has become face-to-face conflict in the border area following the bloodiest conflict in 50 years in the Galwan valley in June. The conflict has deepened cracks and disputes between the two countries. On November 11, 2020, the two countries agreed to move toward an agreement on withdrawal from disputed spots to ease the 7-month tension and military confrontation between them. The clash has affected China-India ties in various aspects.

7. Israel and some Middle-East countries sign historic peace accord

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 7(From left to right: Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump and UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed at the signing ceremony of Abraham peace accord on September 15, 2020 (Photo: Reuters)

The Middle East witnessed historic progress in 2020 when Israel and some regional countries including the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed peace accords after years of confrontation. These agreements marked the US’s mediation efforts. Amid long-lasting regional religious and political disputes, these agreements are not strong enough to settle decades-long disputes in the region.

8. Assassinations intensify tension in US-Iran relations

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 8Funeral of Major General Qassem Soleimani in Iran  (Photo: Reuters)

On January 3, Major General Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the elite Quds force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in a US airstrike in retaliation to an attack on the US Embassy in Bagdad, Iraq. Qassem Soleimani’s death and long tension between the US and Iran  pushed the US and Iran to conflict throughout 2020.

On November 17, Iran officially withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Group P5+1 including the US, Russia, China, the UK, France, and Germany in retaliation to the US and the West. The assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27 is likely to spark a new wave of violence between Iran, Israel and the US.

9. UK departs from the EU with an official trade deal

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 9(Photo: Reuters)

On December 24, 7 days before the deadline of the UK departing from the EU, the two sides reached a trade deal with commitments to ensure maximum interests for both sides. After 47 years of integration with the EU, the UK officially left the bloc on January 31, 2020 followed by a complicated transition period. Over the past year, negotiations to reshape the UK’s relations with the EU have faced obstacles. The new trade deal is of great importance to help avoid a costly divorce.

10. Beirut explosion (Lebanon) – an anticipated disaster

VOV’s Top 10 World Events of 2020 - ảnh 10(Photo: vov.vn)

On August 4, more than 2,700 tons of “fertilizer bomb” in the Beirut port in Lebanon exploded creating a strong quake of 3.3 on the Richter scale. More than 200 people died and 7,000 were injured in the disaster while part of the Beirut port was blown up causing damage of 10-15 billion USD. This was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history.  Blame is placed on lack of prompt action and carelessness in storing explosives. The Lebanese government declared a 2-week state of emergency to cope with the disaster. Protests took place throughout Lebanon over the government’s irresponsibility. Political pressures caused by the explosion forced the Lebanon cabinet and Prime Minister Hassan Diab to resign.

