Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972

(VOV) - Forty years ago these days Hanoi, Haiphong and many other cities in North Vietnam were severely devastated by relentless aerial bombardments of the US.

The following photos recall the 12 days and nights when the capital of Hanoi was fiercely bombarded by the US Air Force, as well as the strong resistance from Hanoians.

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 1
On December 14, 1972 President Nixon approved an air attack plan targeting Hanoi and Haiphong

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 2
The US Air Force launched air raids, using B-52 Stratofortresses, long-range, supersonic, jet-powered strategic bombers. In the photo, B-52 bombers completely ruined Bach Mai hospital in Hanoi

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 3
The Me Tri radio signal transmitter station of Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) was hit on the night of December 18. Despite heavy property damage, VOV broadcasts resumed after 9 minutes in silence.

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 4
Kham Thien street in Hanoi fell into ruin on the night of December 26. A total of 278 people were killed, mostly women, the elderly and children.

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 5
People were evacuated to safe areas

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 6
Personal roadside bomb shelters were put up along streets

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 7
The US air raids received strong resistance from Vietnamese people. In the photo, artillery soldiers were on standby

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 8
The Sao Do (Red Star) air unit contributed to the victory of the battle

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 9
Hero Pham Tuan flew Mic-21 and downed a B-52 bomber

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 10
An American pilot was arrested on Truc Bach lake in Hanoi

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 11
A daily meal for arrested pilots at Hoa Lo Prison in Hanoi

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 12
The failure of the air raids forced the US and its henchmen to sit down at the negotiating table in 1973 and sign the Paris Peace Agreement, putting an end to the war in Vietnam. In the photo, Nguyen Thi Binh, Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, penned the agreement on January 27, 1973.

Photos recall Hanoi’s 12 days and nights in 1972  - ảnh 13
US pilots were handed over at Gia Lam airport in Hanoi

