Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors

(VOVWORLD) - With bombax ceiba flowers beginning to bloom on the roadsides and mountainous slopes around Quynh Nhai district in the northern province of Son La, a sense of romance can be felt across the region.
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 1 Around this time of year bombax ceiba flowers can be seen blooming on roads throughout the northwestern region.
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 2 In Quynh Nhai district, guests can enjoy seeing flowers in full bloom on the mountainous slopes and the roads that lead to various communes and villages
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 3The distinct red colour of the flower mixes well with the blue colour of the water in Son La lake, serving to create an enchanting scene. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 4Each year bombax ceiba flowers in Quynh Nhai start their bloom period around mid-February. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 5Trees on the roadsides can be seen with straight trunks, with some growing to over 15 metres in height 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 6
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 7The red colour of bombax ceiba flowers and the pure white of the apricot and plum flowers helps to brighten up the homes of Thai ethnic minority people 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 8The flowers are a rich source of inspiration for many artists and photographers that visit the region. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 9
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 10Each flower contains five large single petals 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 11A tree branch is able to produce roughly a dozen flowers. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 12The vibrant red colour and large petals is an impressive sight for visitors. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 13
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 14Plenty of flower buds can be seen waiting to bloom. 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 15Many of the area’s flowers take up to three weeks to bloom 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 16
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 17
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 18
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 19The flowers are often used by ethnic Thai women when they produce cushions and gifts for their husband's family 
Stunning bombax ceiba flowers of Son La prove to be a hit among visitors - ảnh 20The bark, roots, and leaves of the flowers can also be used to treat a variety of diseases 
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Excellent website & program structure.thank you very much.

Hossen abed ali

Excellent website & program structure.thank you very much.

Hossen abed ali

Excellent website & program structure.thank you very much.
