8 imported COVID-19 cases added but no local infections reported in Vietnam for 53 straight days

(VOVWORLD) -  Vietnam reported eight imported COVID-19 cases on Sunday evening, raising the total in the country to 1,168, according to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.
8 imported COVID-19 cases added but no local infections reported in Vietnam for 53 straight days  - ảnh 1

All the new patients were put under quarantine upon arrival. Vietnam entered the 53rd consecutive day without any community infections.

As many as 1,057 patients have recovered while 35 have died from complications related to the disease. Most of the fatalities were the elderly with serious underlying health conditions.

As of Sunday, there had been more than 43 million COVID-19 patients around the world. The US, India, and Brazil continued to report a rise in infections. 

