82-year-old graduate of high-school receives certificate of merit

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son presented a certificate of merit to 82-year-old man Nguyen Huy Ky, a student of the Center for Vocational Education in Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi city, for passing an examination to graduate from high school.
82-year-old graduate of high-school receives certificate of merit - ảnh 1Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son presents a certificate of merit to 82-year-old man Nguyen Huy Ky. (Photo: VOV)
Minister Son praised Mr. Ky’s strong spirit to pursue his goals in studying, saying his academic result will inspire young people to overcome the difficulties they face in order to obtain their goals in life.
Ky was born in 1940 and is working as a physician. The war interrupted his study and he did not graduate from high-school. He fought in the war and was seriously injured.
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