85th anniversary of Vietnam Fatherland Front marked in Can Tho, Soc Trang

85th anniversary of Vietnam Fatherland Front marked in Can Tho, Soc Trang - ảnh 1
(VOVworld)- The Mekong Delta city of Can Tho held a meeting to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and review 20 years of implementing the movement to promote national unity. To mark the occasion, 85 outstanding models from patriotic emulation movements were honored. Huynh Thanh Binh, Director of Thang Loi Fisheries Cooperative, is one of the honorees:“This is a great honor for our cooperative. It’s our responsibility to work with local authorities to upgrade public infrastructure and help the poor. We always contribute to humanitarian activities and public establishments which are worth up to 70 million VND”.

A similar event was also held in Soc Trang province. In his address, the Secretary of Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee, Nguyen Van The, praised the local Fatherland Front’s achievements: “The Vietnam Fatherland Front is a center for solidarity between social organizations and religions. The organization needs to continue working with organizations, religions, Party and State agencies to contribute to target programs”.

