98.77 percent of the electorate go to polls, says NEC

(VOVworld) - The National Election Council (NEC) reports that more than 65.5 million voters - 98.77 percent of the electorate - went to the polls on Sunday to elect deputies to the 14th National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils for the 2016-2021 term.

98.77 percent of the electorate go to polls, says NEC - ảnh 1
A polling station in Nho Quan district, Ninh Binh province (Source: VNA)

According to Nguyen Hanh Phuc, National Assembly Secretary General and Chief of the NEC, most localities nationwide saw a turnout of more than 90 percent. The central province of Thua Thien-Hue and the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai topped the list with 99.99 percent. Mr. Phuc said the election took place securely and ballot counting was monitored by voters and the press - a new part of the Law on Election of Deputies to the NA and all-level People’s Councils.

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