Activities mark Vietnamese Teachers’ Day

(VOVworld) – Various activities are underway to mark Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, November 20th.

Activities mark Vietnamese Teachers’ Day - ảnh 1
Oustanding teachers in 2013 are honored (Source: VOV)

The Ministry of Public Security on Tuesday held an anniversary to celebrate the event and recognize professor and associate professor titles to police teachers. Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang acknowledged great contribution made by the police teachers as well as professors to education and training cause and building qualified police force: "The Party Committee of the Central Police Force and the Ministry of Public Security hope that the teachers who have received professorship will continue to bring into full play glorious tradition of Vietnam’s police force. They will fulfill their tasks in accordance with President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching: “Teachers be good example for their students to follow and continuously improve their revolutionary ethics”.

On the same day, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union awarded 118 outstanding young teachers in 2013 and honored 10 teachers who won the title of outstanding teachers for 3 consecutive years.

