Anti-water leak detection app wins Smart Water Innovation Contest

(VOVworld) - The “anti-water leak detection app” designed by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology triumphed at the national Smart Water Innovation Contest 2016. The wining project is based on an idea to use a smartphone application to detect leaks in a buildings water supply.

Anti-water leak detection app wins Smart Water Innovation Contest  - ảnh 1
Students from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology triumphed at the national Smart Water Innovation Contest 2016 (Source:
The wining team of three students, Trinh Quoc Anh, Nguyen Tran Quang Khai, and Vo Phi Long, is sponsored a tour of Sweden to attend the World Water Week in Stockholm in this August.
Speaking at a press conference on announcing the contest’s results in Hanoi on June 6, Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam Camilla Mellander said the competition is an opportunity to seek solutions to tackle water- related challenges facing Vietnam .
The ambassador expects the winning team will gain more knowledge from the World Water Week and that they will continue to make significant contributions for a more sustainable world.
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