Belarus offers help to resolve Russia-Turkey tension

Belarus offers help to resolve Russia-Turkey tension - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei said that his country can exert all efforts possible to help resolve the Russia-Turkey crisis. He said that reciprocal pressure and reciprocal sanctions are not a way to settle inter-state relations.
Relations between Russia and Turkey have been locked in a spat over the downing of a Russian bomber on November 24 by the Turkish Air Force. Ankara claims the bomber violated the Turkish air space in the area of the border with Syria. However, Russia’s Defense Ministry has said the plane stayed exclusively over the Syrian territory and "there was no violation of the Turkish air space." Russia said Ankara’s attack against the Russian plane, which took part in Russia’s antiterrorism operation in Syria and did not present a threat to Turkey, was a "stab in Russia’s back".

he Russian President signed a decree to impose special economic measures against Turkey and requested an apology. Turkey had expressed its regret but refused to apologize.

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