Bust of President Ho Chi Minh inaugurated in Russia’s Vladivostok city

(VOVWORLD) - A bust of President Ho Chi Minh was inaugurated Vladivostok city, Russia, on Friday as part of activities to celebrate Vietnam-Russia Friendship Year 2019. 
Bust of President Ho Chi Minh inaugurated in Russia’s Vladivostok city - ảnh 1 Representatives of the Vietnamese community in Russia attend the inauguration of President Ho Chi Minh’s bust (Photo: VOV)

Speaking at the ceremony, Vietnam's Consul General in Vladivostok Nguyen Hoang Viet stressed that President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Russia. He said the construction of the bust came from the sincere aspirations of not only the overseas Vietnamese community in the Far East but Russians also. Mayor of Vladivostok city, Oleg Gumenyuk said he believes the square where President Ho Chi Minh’s bust is located will become a tourist attraction.

The 2.3m-hight bust is created by local sculptor Peter Chegodaev and placed at a flower garden in Borisenko street.

