Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam strenghten legislative cooperation

(VOVworld) The National Assembly Committees for External Affairs of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam Triangle have convened their 4th meeting in the central province of Nghe An.

Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam strenghten legislative cooperation  - ảnh 1

Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Uong Chu Luu praised the role the three parliaments had played in supporting the development triangle area and proposed setting up a Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam Inter-parliamentary Committee with a remit to monitor the implementation of policies and agreements. Luu underlined that it’s necessary to strengthen cooperative mechanism from central to local administrations in all three countries, to promote the achievements so far and solve other pending issues.

The delegates also discussed legislative initiatives to create a legal basis for the development of the triangle and to speed up multilateral cooperation between the three Committees.

