China condemns US’s COVID-19 accusation

(VOVWORLD) -The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a document refuting US allegations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. 
China condemns US’s COVID-19 accusation  - ảnh 1Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhao Lianxiang. (Photo: Reuter)

China’s 30-page rebuttal addresses 24 “preposterous allegations” by several top US officials concerning China’s handling of the novel Coronavirus outbreak.

The document emphasizes that coronavirus is not a "Chinese virus" or a "Wuhan virus."

Regarding the origin of the disease, the document said that the fact that Wuhan city in Hubei province was the first to spot the virus does not mean that the source of the virus was in Wuhan. The true answer to this question is still "unknown", the Ministry said adding that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a "Sino-French government cooperation project", is "incapable of developing and producing" a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2.

The Ministry shows a timeline proving that China provided information to the international community in a “timely, open and transparent” manner, rebuking US suggestions that it was slow to sound the alarm.

