China remains top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy, says President To Lam

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam considers developing friendship and cooperative ties with China a strategic choice and a top priority in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification, and multilateralization of external relations, President To Lam told Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo at a reception in Hanoi on Tuesday.
China remains top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy, says President To Lam - ảnh 1President To Lam (R) receives Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo, Hanoi on June 11, 2024. (Photo: VOV).

President Lam expressed his hope for close coordination between the two countries in key aspects, including maintaining exchanges and meetings at all levels.

He said he looks forward to effectively implementing cooperation mechanisms, enhancing practical cooperation in various fields, and promoting cross-border railway connections while cooperating in developing standard-gauge railway lines in the northern provinces of Vietnam.

Mr. Lam suggested that China continue opening its market to Vietnamese agricultural and aquatic products such as fruit, livestock and fish. He also called for increasing locality-to-locality cooperation as well as friendship exchanges between the two countries’ organizations, people, and youth.

The Vietnamese leader emphasized the need for both sides to seriously implement high-level agreements and seek common perceptions, while finding better control and resolution of sea-related differences. They need to respect each other’s rights and legitimate interests, and actively seek appropriate solutions in line with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), President Lam noted.

Looking towards the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2025, the Vietnamese President urged the two sides to work together to make bilateral relations more practical and effective.

Ambassador Xiong said that China will strive to properly implement the high-level common perceptions, effectively deploy cooperation measures devised by the two countries, further promote win-win cooperation across regions, and better control and resolve sea-related differences, thus ensuring that the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership will continue to develop in a healthy and stable manner and bring practical benefits to their people.

