Chinese Party leader and President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam will boost bilateral ties

(VOVWORLD) - Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping’s State visit to Vietnam will boost bilateral ties in a deeper and more practical manner, stated the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday. 

At a regular press conference on Thursday, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin said the strengthening of friendly solidarity and deepening of bilateral win-win cooperation will benefit the two countries.

He said that during Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to China last year, leaders of the two countries mapped out a plan for further development of the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Since the beginning of this year, the two sides have strengthened regular high-level contacts and exchanges between their ministries, sectors and localities and deepened cooperation in various fields, bringing practical benefit for the two countries’ peoples.

Mr. Wang Wenbin said that during Chinese Party leader and President Xi Jinping’s visit, Vietnam and China will discuss the elevation of bilateral relations focusing on politics, security, practical cooperation, the foundation of public opinion, multilateral issues and maritime concerns, while further promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries in a deeper and more effective manner.

According to the spokesman, this is beneficial for the two countries to together follow each country’s unique modern path, while enriching the path towards modernization of developing countries, and ultimately bringing better benefits for the people of the two countries.

