Communications on domestic violence prevention strengthened

(VOVworld) – A 2-day training workshop on domestic violence prevention concluded in Hai Phong on Wednesday. It was part of a project on “development of a national response to domestic violence” until 2016.

Communications on domestic violence prevention strengthened  - ảnh 1
The training workshop on domestic violence prevention for reporters (Photo: Vinh Phong/VOV5)

The workshop was designed to provide reporters basic information about domestic violence prevention, and gender sensitivity to help them report the issue properly.

Hoa Huu Van, Deputy Director of the Family Department of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, said the Vietnamese government’s point of view on domestic violence and violence against women is reflected in laws and decrees that ensure basic human rights. Van said:

“Wards and communes are the first authorities to deal with domestic violence. We have made encouraging achievements in the field and the Law on domestic violence prevention has been brought into full play. Communications should be strengthened to every household because it is crucial to the movement’s success. More focus should be placed on men.”

A drive will be unveiled that calls for communications in response to International Day to End Violence Against Women and Girls through forums on domestic violence prevention for workers in industrial and processing zones, workshops to launch a national project on gender-based violence, and meetings to spread information on the issue across the country.


