Conference on NA resolution implementation

(VOV) – The National Assembly Standing Committee on Monday held an online conference on the implementation of the resolutions of the 4th session of 13th National Assembly.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the conference aimed to improve the quality of supervision of the National Assembly and People’s Councils to assure the NA resolutions are implemented effectively: "It is necessary to enhance supervision by NA deputies, NA agencies and People’s Councils at all levels to bring the Constitution, laws and resolutions to life".

NA deputies, the Ethnic Council, and NA Committees outlined tasks for supervising NA resolution implementation such as socio-economic development plans in 2013, collecting people’s ideas on draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution, and conducting votes of confidence for officials elected or approved by the NA and People’s Councils. Participants said that during the supervision process, NA deputies need to define specific responsibilities of agencies, organizations, and individuals.

Conference on NA resolution implementation - ảnh 1
(Photo: VNA)

