Conference to review public service satisfaction index

(VOVworld) – A conference to review one year of implementing the satisfaction index for public services was held on Tuesday in Hanoi.
Conference to review public service satisfaction index - ảnh 1
The satisfaction index of public administration services has been developed to measure public satisfaction alongside the quality of public services (Photo:
President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan chaired the conference. According to a survey in 10 provinces and cities, up to 80 percent of people were satisfied with administrative services in such areas as issuing ID cards, granting housing and house ownership certificates, and certificates of birth and marriage. But some are discontent with professional etiquette and services of cadres. Nhan said administrative reform must be based on the level of public satisfaction: “In order to improve the political system, we need to make people satisfied and happy. We need to define the public satisfaction index and adjust it for conditions in Vietnam”.

Mr. Nhan said in 2016, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Vietnam Veterans’ Association will work out a program on identifying public service satisfaction index for 2017-2020.

