PM chairs meeting to address difficulties in construction material production industry

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has asked ministries, sectors, and localities to enhance public investment in transport infrastructure, urban and rural infrastructure, defense and security projects, and sea and island works to serve marine economic development.
PM chairs meeting to address difficulties in construction material production industry - ảnh 1The online meeting on resolving difficulties, boosting production and consumption of construction materials (photo: VOV)

Chairing an online meeting on Saturday to resolve difficulties to boost production and sale of construction materials, Mr. Chinh said that construction materials, including cement, iron, and steel are key elements for building urban and rural infrastructure, civil, industrial, defense and security projects and generate jobs for millions of people.

He requested to speed up the investment project to build at least 1 million social housing apartments for low-income people and other housing programs. More cement roads should be built in rural, mountainous, and frequently flooded areas.

PM chairs meeting to address difficulties in construction material production industry - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs the meeting. (photo: VOV)

The Prime Minister emphasized that investment in upgrading technology and equipment of construction material factories could reduce production costs, save energy and natural resources, and protect the environment.

He recommended using recycled waste to replace fuel, industrial waste to replace natural resources, and building cement grinding factories in areas with convenient transportation such as seaports and having mineral additives for cement production.
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