Construction of Uncle Ho monument in Tuyen Quang commences

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang attended a ground-breaking ceremony for an Uncle Ho monument in Tuyen Quang province.

Construction of Uncle Ho monument in Tuyen Quang commences - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang addresses the ground-breaking ceremony

The monument, located in an 8.5 ha square, consists of a statue of Uncle Ho surrounded by intellectuals, workers, soldiers, peasants, and youths. The statues are backed by bas-relief images of a banyan tree, a symbol of the Tan Trao revolutionary base, typical activities of the local ethnic minority people, and some of the province’s recent socio-economic achievements.

President Sang called the monument of great significance, expressing the endless love of the people for Uncle Ho and reminding Vietnamese people of their patriotic tradition. “I urge the provincial authority and relevant agencies to closely monitor the construction to ensure progress, technical quality, and aesthetic value. I believe that Tuyen Quang province will uphold its revolutionary tradition, follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, and promote unity, creativity, and dynamism to overcome challenges to boost the reform process. The province will further tap its potentials and advantages to become a developed locality in the northern mountainous region and contribute to the successful implementation of the Party’s resolution to turn Vietnam into a modern, industrialized country by 2020.” said President Sang.

