Contributions to 1992 Constitution revisions

(VOVworld) – Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration on Monday hosted a symposium to gather feedback to daft amendments of the 1992 Constitution. Doctor Tran Ngoc Duong, a permanent member of the Committee on Drafting Constitutional Revisions, said many changes have been made to promote the socialist democratic regime, mobilize the people’s strength and wisdom for the management of the state and the society. The constitutional revisions further uphold the human factors, finalizing the socialist-oriented market economy and building a socialist state governed by law, of the people, by the people and for the people. Doctor Tran Ngoc Duong said: “The people are the supreme subject of the state’s power.  It’s inevitable and legitimate that the people control the power of the state. The platform on national construction during the transitional period defines controlling state power as a principle of the state power’s organization. It requires a mechanism to control state power inside and outside the state apparatus.”

On Monday, the National Assembly’s Committee for Science, Technology and Environment held a plenary session to collect opinions to constitutional revisions. Participants focused on regulations that harmoniously combine economic development with the development of culture, education, science and technology.

Contributions to 1992 Constitution revisions  - ảnh 1

