Countries adjust policies amid Covid-19 outbreak

(VOVWORLD) - Australia allows foreign workers to extend their stay during the Covid-19 epidemic, the Australian government said Saturday.
Countries adjust policies amid Covid-19 outbreak - ảnh 1Foreign visitors at the Sydney International Airport, March 18, 2020 (Photo: VNA) 

Foreign working holidaymakers and temporary workers in Australia can extend their stay up to 12 months if they are elders, working in agriculture or healthcare, or willing to stay to help fight the epidemic.

The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on Saturday informed all diplomatic missions on the automatic extension of tourist visas for visitors entering Cambodia after January 1 but can not leave due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Indonesia prolonged closure of tourism spots in Jakarta until April 19. The move came days after the Jakarta authority extended state of emergency to April 19.

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