Dang clan in Ly Son island awarded certificate of merit


Dang clan in Ly Son island awarded certificate of merit  - ảnh 1
Dang Len (L) is presented with a certificate of merit (Photo: tuoitre.vn)

(VOVworld) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Border Committee has granted a certificate of merit to Dang’s clan in Ly Son island district of the central province of Quang Ngai. This is in recognition of the family’s provision of ancient documents confirming Vietnam’s national sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes. Director of Quang Ngai’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Dang Vu was speaking at the ceremony: “This is to honor family clans on Ly Son Island for their enforcement of national sovereignty rights for centuries. The award encourages other families in the province to present valuable documents and evidence confirming Vietnam’s territorial integrity on the East Sea for many centuries.”


