Egypt appoints 6 new government ministers

Egypt appoints 6 new government ministers - ảnh 1
Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

(VOVworld) - Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab appointed six ministers of his new government on Monday, the first such moves since President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi was sworn in earlier this month. Mahlab appointed Sameh Shukri, a former ambassador to the US, as foreign minister. Professor Naglaa el-Ahwany was appointed as minister of international cooperation, and renowned intellectual Gaber Asfour is the new minister of culture. Ibrahim Hanidi will be the new minister of justice and parliamentary affairs. Professors Shreif Hamaad and Ahmed Abdel Khaleq were appointed as ministers of science and research and higher education respectively. Cabinet spokesman Hossam El-Kawish said the new cabinet will be sworn in before President al-Sisi on Tuesday.

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