Egyptian Army deposes President Morsi

Egyptian Army deposes President Morsi  - ảnh 1
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi is flanked by members of his country's military before Wednesday's coup. Photo: Reuters

(VOVworld)- The Egyptian armed forces on Wednesday overthrew President Mohamed Morsi and suspended the current constitution. On a televised program with army leaders and politicians, Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel Fattah El-Sisi announced the appointment of the Head of the Egyptian Constitutional Court as interim leader. General El-Sisi called for an early presidential and parliamentary election and the establishment of a Constitutional Revision Committee and a National Reconciliation Committee. El-Sisi said that a “strong and capable” government could be formed with “sufficient civility”. President Morsi categorically rejected the action of the armed forces and called it “illegal”. He called on Egyptians to peacefully protest this coup. On July 1st, the Egyptian armed forces issued an ultimatum that if the government “failed to meet the demands of the Egyptian people” within 48 hours, it would propose a roadmap for Egypt’s future. The ultimatum of the Egyptian army came one day after a protest was staged in Tahrir square with millions of people demanding Morsi’s resignation. It was on this day one year ago, that Moris began his term of office.

