Egyptian interim government’s latest move

Egyptian interim government’s latest move  - ảnh 1
On Monday, Egypt's Court for Urgent Matters ordered "the dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood Society, the banning of the Muslim Brotherhood group and all affiliated bodies, and the confiscation of all its offices and funds."

(VOVworld)- Egypt’s interim government announced Tuesday the delayed dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) movement. Minister of Social Solidarity Ahmed al-Borai said the Ministry is establishing a committee to manage the Muslim Brotherhood’s assets in accordance with a court decision. According to an unnamed source, the MB is going to appeal the court’s ruling on dissolution within 10 days. On Monday, the Cairo courts banned all MB activities and asked for an asset freeze order. An armed conflict occurred between ousted President Mohamed Morsi’s supporters and their opponents in Alexandria, Egypt’s second biggest city. The Al Ahram daily newspaper quoted witnesses claiming that dozens of MB members who were protesting Minister of Defense Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi were attacked by citizens from El-Seyouf district. The same day, Egyptian security forces conducted a raid on Nahya village near the Great Pyramid in Giza province, arresting suspects in last month’s conflict with the police. This is the latest move by the Egyptian interim government to impose control on Muslim factions after July 3 coup that ousted President Mohammed Morsi.

