Egyptian Supreme Court freezes Presidential decree

  Egyptian Supreme Court freezes Presidential decree - ảnh 1
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy attends a ceremony to present graduation certificates for army officers in Cairo on July 9th. (Photo: AFP/VNA)
The Egyptian Supreme Court yesterday froze President Mohamed Morsy’s decree ordering the dissolved Egyptian parliament to reconvene. The ruling came just hours after the dissolved parliament held a 5-minute session in an act challenging the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the Court. The court’s decision has fueled the tension between Mr. Morsy and the SCAF, which gave him power last month.

In mid June, the SCAF ordered parliament dissolved in accordance with a court ruling just a day before Egypt’s presidential run-off election. But Morsy’s government on Monday issued a decree to reconvene the parliament, saying that it fully complies with the country’s constitution. The decree stipulates that a parliamentary election will be held within 60 days after a new constitution is adopted by referendum.     

